Additive Manufacturing

Modern injection tools have to provide best quality of the moulded part in shortest cycle time. High thermal conductivity of the alloys used for the mould play a vital part. Often, thermal conductivity is not sufficient or the HOVADUR® alloys have to be protected locally against high wear.

In these cases, SCHMELZMETALL provides new, up to now unknown possibilities with its applications hybrid process and generative process.

Selective Laser Melting (SLM)

The selective laser melting (SLM) is a generative production process which is often called 3-D printing.

The selective laser melting of our HOVADUR® alloys open up completely new possibilities and degrees of freedom to the designer:

  • Ideal combination of high thermal conductivity and cooling close to the contour
  • Shortest cycle times
  • Unlimited contouring freedom

Laser Metal Deposition (LMD)

Laser metal deposition (LMD) is part of cladding. During this procedure, nearly any material can be applied to a part by means of fusing.

HOVADUR® alloys plus laser metal deposition – local wear protection exactly where it is needed:

  • Use of our highly thermal conductive HOVADUR® alloys, even for very wear intensive applications